Table of contents
- Part 1 - Recommender Systems
- Chapter 1 Historical development and related work
- Information Retrieval
- Information Filtering
- Collaborative Filtering
- Content Based Filtering
- Hybrid Filters
- Recommender Systems
- Recommender systems in e-commerce
- Trust in recommender systems
- Recommendation approaches
- Manual approach
- Statistical approach
- Content based filtering approach
- Collaborative filtering approach
- Hybrid approach
- Problems and challenges of the recommendation approaches
- Case studies of recommender systems in the movie domain
- MovieLens
- Internet Movie Database
- All Movie Guide
- Amazon
- Recommendations for the movie The Thing
- Conclusions
- Patents
- Where are we today?
- Chapter 2 Implementation and evaluation of common recommendation techniques
- Recommendation profiles
- Information analysis
- Profile representation
- User rating models
- User transaction models
- Item rating models
- Item transaction models
- Item attribute models
- Recommendation techniques
- Baseline Statistical Filtering (BASELINESF)
- User mean prediction algorithm
- Item mean prediction algorithm
- Random prediction algorithm
- Population deviation from mean prediction algorithm
- User based Collaborative Filtering (UCF)
- Random Neighbors User based Collaborative Filtering (RNUCF)
- Trust User based Collaborative Filtering (TRUSTUCF)
- Common Items Prioritizing User based Collaborative Filtering (CIPUCF)
- Item based Collaborative Filtering (ICF)
- Adjusted cosine similarity algorithm
- Average rating prediction algorithm
- Weighted sum prediction algorithm
- Random Neighbors Item based Collaborative Filtering (RNICF)
- Personalized Content Based Filtering (PCBF)
- Common attribute similarity algorithm
- Top-N User based Collaborative Filtering (TOPNUCF)
- Top-N Item based Collaborative Filtering (TOPNICF)
- Top-N Personalized Content Based Filtering (TOPNPCBF)
- Top-N Content Based Filtering (TOPNCBF)
- Transaction based Top-N User based Collaborative Filtering (TBTOPNUCF)
- Transaction based Top-N Item based Collaborative Filtering (TBTOPNICF)
- Evaluation of recommender systems
- Evaluation data
- Evaluation protocols
- Splitting evaluation data
- Prediction evaluation metrics
- Coverage
- Average User Coverage
- Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
- Average User MAE
- Normalized Mean Absolute Error (NMAE)
- Average User NMAE
- Mean Squared Error (MSE)
- Average User MSE
- Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
- Average User RMSE
- Correctness
- Ranking evaluation metrics
- Evaluation data
- Consistent MovieLens rating dataset (CML)
- Discshop rating dataset (DS)
- Discshop rating dataset 2 (DS2)
- Discshop transaction dataset (DS-T)
- Discshop attribute dataset (DS-A)
- IMDb attribute dataset (IMDB)
- Evaluation results
- Accuracy of predictions
- BASELINESF Technique
- UCF Technique
- RNUCF Technique
- TRUSTUCF Technique
- CIPUCF Technique
- ICF Technique
- RNICF Technique
- PCBF Technique
- Relevance of Top-N ranking lists
- Summary and conclusions
- Part 2 - Self-Organization applied to Recommender Systems
- Chapter 3 Artificial neural networks
- The brain
- The biological neuron
- The artificial neuron
- Formal definition of artificial neural networks
- Artifical neural network structures and learning algorithms
- Learning Rules
- Learning paradigms
- Learning protocols
- A brief history of artificial neural networks
- Chapter 4 Self-Organizing Maps
- Brain maps
- Requirements for self-organization
- The Mexican Hat
- The SOM paradigm
- The incremental SOM algorithm
- Selection of the best matching node ("Winner-takes-all")
- Adaptation (Updating of the weight vectors)
- Selection of parameters
- Incomplete data
- Quality measure of the SOM
- Summary of the SOM algorithm
- The Dot-Product SOM algorithm
- The batch SOM algorithm
- The SOM as a clustering and projection algorithm
- Visualizing the SOM
- Properties of the SOM
- Theoretical aspects of the SOM algorithm
- SOM Toolbox for Matlab
- SOM based applications
- Applications of the SOM in recommender systems
- Chapter 5 Implementation and evaluation of SOM based recommendation techniques
- SOM implementation
- SOM based recommendation techniques
- SOM User based Collaborative Filtering (SOMUCF)
- SOM Item based Collaborative Filtering (SOMICF)
- Item SOM User based Collaborative Filtering (ISOMUCF)
- Model Predicting SOM User based Collaborative Filtering (MPSOMUCF)
- SOM Goodness Collaborative Filtering (SOMGOODNESSCF)
- Top-N SOM User based Collaborative Filtering (TOPNSOMUCF)
- Top-N SOM Item based Collaborative Filtering (TOPNSOMICF)
- Top-N SOM Goodness Collaborative Filtering (TOPNSOMGOODNESSCF)
- Evaluation data
- Evaluation results
- Conclusions
- Part 3 - The recommendation interface problem
- Chapter 6 Trust in recommender systems
- Transparency of recommendations
- Explanation of recommendations
- Interactive design of recommender systems
- Chapter 7 Visual recommendations
- Chapter 8 MOVSOM - State of the art
- Chapter 9 Conclusions
- Chapter 10 Future work
- Bibliography
- Index