Part III - The recommendation interface problem
Seeing, contrary to popular wisdom, isn't believing.
It's where belief stops, because it isn't needed any more.
Terry Pratchett
The first two chapters in this part deals with the recommendation interface problem in terms of trust and transparency , and how one way of solving these issues is with well explained recommendations. Interaction design for recommender systems are briefly discussed and the concept of visualization of recommendations are described. Previous studies done in the research community regarding these areas are discussed and presented. Next, follows a chapter presenting the MOVSOM, a highly interactive visual movie recommender system. We will describe the user interface of MOVSOM and its system architecture. Challenges concerning our approach will also be discussed. No empirical evaluation of the interface is made, in the sense of user interviews or tests, instead we highly encourage any reader of this thesis to visit MOVSOM's web-site(*) and judge for himself. In the end we conclude and present future work within the area of visual recommendations.